Scott Gobber

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Scott Gobber

Scott Gobber


Born: Warrensburg, Missouri 1965
Current Residence: Kansas City, Missouri

Recognized for his graphic POP art style and satirical messages, Archie Scott Gobber has created a list of ideological enemies that have terrorized America and the world. He then juxtaposed it with a list of mainstream, “white collar” institutions that have corrupted and damaged the financial stability of our country. Printed in retro colors over a pale cream field designed to look like a faded and stained sheet of antique paper, the word colors bounce the eye from warm to cool while being contained within coffin-like shapes of a pale green and magenta decorative border that evoked the feeling of old wall-paper.

Artist Statement

The initial idea that led to the print Doers was simply two lists. One listed ideological enemies that directly or indirectly brought terror to the United States, the other listed white-collar criminals who caused serious damage to some of our major, most trusted financial institutions. Words of similar weights are placed across from one another to allow the viewer to compare and contrast ‘evildoers” and “wrongdoers”. The lists function not only as words, but as color and rhythm studies that bounce the eye from warm colors to cool while being contained inside the coffin-shaped, rebel flag like outer structure. The sober subject is then surrounded by a fresh green floral motif that winds around creating pleasant pattern and sinister missile shapes. Conceptually, if unable to read, Doers is merely a flag design for a new nation in our world. (- Archie Scott Gobber)

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