Richard Dishinger


Richard Dishinger

Richard Dishinger


Born: Davenport, Iowa, 1942
Died: Lawrence, Kansas, 2021

Dishinger attended Arkansas State University from 1960 to 1962 and received his B.F.A. from the University of Kansas in 1965. In 1968, he completed his M.F.A. at the University of New Mexico. He is Professor of Painting, Emeritus at the University of Kansas.

Artist Statement

“…Dishinger appears…to mine a familiar vein, in which reality meets the gritty, chaotic, and often ugly moments of daily life, a reality that is to be rendered through an unkempt, spontaneous style whose confusing surface mirrors the way we actually perceive things. The blurred motions of his fighters, the grotesquely distorted faces in a crowd or the blank ones of members of a “social group,” the slashes of paint or rough marks of pencil; all register the waywardness that seems to express the truth of our physical-and moral experience.”

– Leland Warren, Wichita Art Center, Exhibition Catalog –

“To be surrounded by large rolls of drawing paper and tons of drawing tools, to have no clocks, telephones or reasons to be elsewhere, this is my dream. With each fresh sheet of paper I get a second chance…a chance to create a world of people and events cloaked in subjective meanings based upon my observations of the world around me.”

– Richard Dishinger, Portfolio, 1992 –

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